


Although Chiropractic doesn’t directly treat anxiety, we know that Chiropractic care changes the function of the prefrontal cortex in the brain. The prefrontal cortex is the ‘conductor’ of your brain and is directly involved in the regulation of: 

• Mental health
• Emotional regulation
• Social interaction
• Attention and focus
• Immune system
• Inflammation
• Empathy
• Sequencing / time management
• Gastrointestinal
• Decision making
• Intelligence
• Inhibits irrelevant distracters
• Maintains focus on goal directed tasks
• Reward based learning
• Processing of pain and
emotional response to it
• Rational thinking

Chiropractic can help the body to better regulate itself. 

The prefrontal cortex explained


Have your ‘Brain Conductor’ fine tuned with Chiropractic care. 

We also offer the Safe and Sound Protocol, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges. The SSP is a five-day intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. By calming the physiological and emotional state, the door is opened for improved communication and more successful therapy. 

Learn more about the brain, body and spinal connection